Pets in Space on the VF Book Club Poll!

Posted at Feb 13, 2017 8:55 pm

So, yes, it’s true! Pets in Space has made the list for VFBC’s March review pick!

Everyone involved with the anthology is very excited.

VFBC (short for Vaginal Fantasy Book Club) was started by actress Felicia Day (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc.) who is a HUGE fan of books. Each month the review group produces a video that you can catch live or on YouTube. Unfortunately, Pets in Space is nominated for a hiatus month when they will only be doing an online review, but with thousands of followers it’s still a VGT! (Very Good Thing.)

It’s also a huge honor for the authors and wonderful exposure for the science fiction romance genre as a whole.


Pets in Space hasn’t been selected yet, so we could really use your help. Please go to this link, join the VFBC on Goodreads and vote for Pets in Space as VFBC’s HIATUS pick for March.

And here’s VF Book Club’s YouTube channel, where you can learn more about the reviewers or see the past video book reviews:

VF Book Club YouTube Channel

With much thanks!


One response to “Pets in Space on the VF Book Club Poll!”

  1. Here’s a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who voted. Pets in Space received the most votes and is the March selection for the VFBC review group for March 2017!

    Hurray! Our fans are the greatest.

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