The Naming of the 2012 Golden Heart Finalists

Each year the new crop of RWA Golden Heart Award finalists selects a name that suits the group dynamics and/or the theme of their particular class.

Last year, the 2011 group chose “The Starcatchers” because finaling in the Golden Heart was a rare opportunity and something that brought us all a special bit of magic–like catching a falling star. Many also seemed to have some “magic stardust” working for us as we landed agents and bagged first sales!

For this year’s group, a general theme of rising over adversity emerged. Many members related amazing experiences of survival and triumph over catastrophic loss and difficult times–stories we bonded over as a group.

And along with this (of course!) we had to factor in that which 2012 is most famous for–the 2012 Prophecy–and so “surviving 2012” fed in to the overall theme of the year.

I think the name we chose, and the symbol behind it, is universally recognized as an icon for overcoming defeat, as well as “courage under fire” and “rising above.

We are The Firebirds!

“Forged in Fire. Flying higher!”


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